Friday 11 November 2011

The POD / Hijjas Kasturi Associates Sdn with Studio Nicoletti Association

By  — Filed under: Office Buildings ,Selected , ,
Mr. H Lin Ho Courtesy of PJCC
Architect: Hijjas Kasturi Associates Sdn with Studio Nicoletti Associati
Location: Kuala Lumpur, 
Contractor: Bina Jurati Sdn
Project Year: 2011
Photographs: Mr. H Lin Ho Courtesy of PJCC
Mr. H Lin Ho Courtesy of PJCC
The Petaling Jaya Comerical City (PJCC) on-site sales office and showroom gallery, also known as the POD is situated off Jalan PJS2 in Petaling Jaya. Located a mere 15-minute drive from Kuala Lumpur city centre with direct access off the easy-flowing New Pantai Expressway (NPE), the POD stands with a gross floor area of 750 sqm. The POD futuristic landmark design is reflective of Mother Nature’s water droplets with a form that demonstrates sophistication and elegance. The unique elliptical form of the POD enhances the building to be stood up from the surrounding atmosphere.
Mr. H Lin Ho Courtesy of PJCC
Internally, the POD is divided into two parts: one zone is dedicated to the on-site sales office and the other serves as the main showroom and sales gallery. From both ends of the POD, it offers a very picturesque landscape to look at. Framed by a vast floor to ceiling glazing located at the end of the exhibition area, there is an infinity reflective water pool, a feature that adds Feng Shui for the design. At the other end, one of the office spaces overlooks a beautiful sculpture garden filled with neatly manicured shrubberies. The combination of these two elements contributes to the Bioclimatic behaviour and wellness of its inhabitants.
Text provided by Hijjas Kasturi Associates Sdn with .
Mr. H Lin Ho Courtesy of PJCC
Mr. H Lin Ho Courtesy of PJCC
Mr. H Lin Ho Courtesy of PJCC
Mr. H Lin Ho Courtesy of PJCC

Sunday 2 October 2011

Ko-Tai (Hokkien Song Stage)

Ko-tai means song stage in Hokkien
A modern fom of Chinese Opera
Originated from Hong Kong and China prior World War 2
Perform at night
Comic Sketches included to attract audience

 Poster form
Abstract form

Purple : night
Light blue,white and yellow ; Penang
Swirl: blend
Black and white lining: road
Red: Chinese
Green: Malay
Ying &Yang: root of activity is from Chinese 
Music notes:Musical theatre coloured the Street night life.

Saturday 13 August 2011


Tugasan kali ini, memerlukan saya untuk menerangkan pemahaman saya tentang senibina atau 'architecture'.

Semasa di zaman persekolahan dulu, apa yang saya tahu tentang architecture ialah pelan, architect orang yg buat pelan. Minat saya terhadap senibina mula terpupukpun disebabkan perancangan keluarga saya untuk membuat rumah. Pada masa itu ibu saya sibuklah print segala pelan rumah yg dirasakan menarik di internet untuk dibawa berbincang sesama keluarga tentang rumah mana yang sesuai untuk dibina. Dari situ saya mula berminat dengan senibina. Sebabnya ialah bila saya lihat ruang-ruang disitu saya dapat rasakan saya yang melalui ruang-ruang tersebut. Dan secara tidak langsung saya ingin menjadi seorang yang mereka ruang-ruang disesebuah bangunan. Dari situ saya mulai faham bahawa pelan menghasilkan ruang.

school days~

Cuba bygkn anda melalui ruang-ruang dalam pelan ini.Bagi saya iyanya satu perkara yg menyeronokkan. I hope one day, i'll walk through my own plan for real!!!

Apabila saya dapat masuk ke aliran senibina pemahaman saya tentang senibina telah bertambah.Achitecture bukan sekadar plan, ruang dalam sesebuah bangunan tetapi architecture adalah kehidupan kita. Sebabnya ialah segala akitiviti seharian kita memerlukan architecture. Bak kata pepatah, architecture dan kehidupan kita ni bagai aur dengan tebing. Yela, dari tmpt kita tidur,makan, mandi,buang air, buat kerja,beriadah, memandu dan banyak lagi benda lain yang kita lakukan dalam kehidupan kita memerlukan architecture. Architecture bukan sahaja memBINA kehidupan kita, malah menghiasi kehidupan kita apabila nilai SENI dimasukkan. Iyalah berbalik dgn fitrah manusia yang sukakan keindahan.

Which one attract you more? function is important but form/art is also needed so we can understand more about the function and more attracted to use/come.

Oleh itu, buat masa ini, setakat ini sahajala post saya untuk kali ini.Secara ringkasnya, architecture is about FUNCTION OF SOMETHING TO FULFILL HUMAN NEEDS AND ART VALUES IS ADDED IN ORDER TO FULFILL HUMAN WANTS (taste/eyes). Buat masa ini, inilah pemahaman saya terhadap architecture atau senibina. Insyallah pemahaman saya terhadap architecture akan bertambah dari semasa ke semasa.
wants vs needs or wants + needs???


Thursday 28 July 2011

This pop-up garage is very suitable for high car density area, and for those who wants to hide their luxury car.

The Cardok garage is an interesting parking solution that is starting to be seen around more affluent London locales. The owner’s car is raised and lowered by means of a hydraulic lift. At present there are eight in action around London, four under construction and another ten that have been ordered, which is no small feat as the price for the single model is $61,181 and if you want an over and under double it will be $72,816. 
Incidentally, here in Japan these are even creeping into cities in the more rural parts of the country. [Daily Mailvia Design BlogBorn Rich]

Thursday 21 July 2011

BERSIH 2.0 : From My Point of View


       Ya, memang sekarang ni Malaysia tgh hangat dengan isu Bersih. Pada pendapat saya, Bersih merupakan satu gerakan yang ditubuhkan oleh pembakang untuk 'memBERSIHkan' beberapa sistem pentadbiran yang dirasakan kurang 'BERSIH' di Malaysia ini. Ada pro dan kontrasnya pandangan saya berhubung kes ini.
       Pronya, apabila bangunnya gerakan ini, dapat membuka mata para pemimpin di negara kita bahawa rakyat Malaysia sudah mampu berfikir dan tidak hanya mengikut telunjuk pemimpin tanpa berfikir dengan mendalam. Oleh itu, pemimpin tidak boleh mengambil lewa lagi akan pentadbiran negara dan perlu memperbetul kepimpinan mereka supaya lebih telus dan efisen.

       Manakala kontrasnya pula, rakyat sudah mula jemu akan barisan kepimpinan sekarang ini yang sudah sangat lama memimpin. Rakyat mahukan pembaharuan. Kes ini sama sahaja dengan kes pemberontakan yang berlaku dia Asia Barat. Cuma di sana pemberontakannya lebih agresif. Hal ini kerana telah banyak berita tentang penyelewengan pihak pemimpin yang berlaku terbongkar.

Kesimpulannya, pihak pemimpin harusla bersikap terbuka akan perkara ini agar negara kita akan lebih makmur. Manakala pihak pembangkang pula haruslah mencari cara yang lebih baik dalam menyampaikan pendapat mereka.


Thursday 7 July 2011

Rivas Vaciamadrid Youth Center / Mi5 Arquitectos

Saya rase this center is quite famous search kt google image je da ad kuar gmbr..

Architects: Mi5 Arquitectos – Manuel Collado Arpia y Nacho Martín Asunción
Location: Rivas-Vaciamadrid, Madrid, 
Collaborators: Eider Holgado, Richar y Diego Barajas
Engineering: Juan Travesí (Estructuras)
Contractor: Dragados
Project Area: 1.834 sqm
Budget: 2.344.502 €
Project Year: 2006
Construction Year: 2009
Photographs: Miguel de Guzmán

From the beginning, the project was conceived as the possibility of making the “underground” visible, a construction devised as a radical manifestation of Madrid’s outskirts youthful spirit in general, and of Rivas´ youth groups in particular.

The project aspires to become an explicit “teen” communication vehicle by appropriating their language and their voices as the ingredients of the project. In this way, the project’s team embraces all Rivas’s youth groups by means of an open participation process, in which the future users of the centre, combined with technicians and politicians, will contribute their decisions, their concerns, their fantasies and their aesthetics to create a contemporary “social monument”.

The end result of this process is a public structure with a punk spirit, intensely burdened with content and articulated around programmatic centres conceived as activity explosions, which are erected as meeting and exchange points of the emerging communities.